
EasyDNN Maps 6.5

Add advanced Google maps to your DNN website with functionalities such as markers, filtering markers by category, store locators, driving directions, Street View, and more.

Compatible with DNN/Evoq 7.3x, 8.x, 9.x, including latest 9.13.3

Integrate EasyDNN Maps with EasyDNN News

Display Post Locations on Map with EasyDNN Maps

Integrate EasyDNN Maps with other modules
Integration with easydnn maps

Integration with easydnn maps

Display Post Locations on Map with EasyDNN Maps

The EasyDNN News module has a built-in map editor so it is possible to add a map and location to each post. Maps and location are then displayed within articles. This is especially popular functionality when the EasyDNN News module is used for posting events, real estate listings or similar posts where it is important to display a location.

EasyDNN Maps is a professional Google Maps solution for DNN. It enables the addition of interactive Google Maps with location markers to a DNN site. Location markers can be added through the interface of the module and organized into categories. The second possibility is to display locations from posts published in the EasyDNN News module. Location markers are connected to posts.
It is possible to connect categories from the EasyDNN News module to categories in the EasyDNN Maps module. As a result, you will get an interactive map where you can filter location markers by category. An example of such map would be an interactive Google Map of your city or region with points of interest organized into categories. You can find more about the EasyDNN Maps module in this article.

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