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The story about EasyDNNsolutions

The story about EasyDNNsolutions

Let me tell you a story about a team of hard-working computer programmers and designers who make the EasyDNNsolutions team. This story is told from a girl’s perspective – the only girl in the company. For now.

Number eight was always important to me, maybe the universe wanted to send me and the company some kind of message when I was the eighth person to join this team. This number represents order, discipline, and success and if we turn it horizontally, it shows us the infinity symbol. Of course, our story will go to the infinity, and we hope it will continue to grow thanks to you – our faithful users and you who are pointing us in the right direction. Maybe in a short while time, I will write another document like this with 88 employees thanking you infinity double infinity times for the shown trust and your guidance but before that… let's go back to the story about a girl surrounded by a bunch of programmers. I know it looks a lot like a scenario from The Big Bang Theory, except for the fact that there are programmers instead of physicists, and I was never too keen on acting… but yes, sometimes I’ve felt like Penny. smiley

My work is related to you people, to help the rest of you who haven’t still introduced yourselves to the simplest ways of making your own pages to change that. Well, first of all, I have to say that the support you are going to be provided with, is the support that helped me reach the place where I feel comfortable to work and talk about web development, and at the beginning of this path I thought that I will never learn something about making web pages let alone to do it by myself. From my perspective, we are talking about a team of relaxed yet extremely organized and devoted programmers and designers who will do everything in their power to help you find the best solution to your wants and needs. I would also say that they are beer drinkers and cyclers who work on the web development, and if you wonder, I fit in just perfectly. yes

The story begins with two visionaries who started to make their own CMS solution but when they introduce themselves to DNN, they made the connection so strong that they couldn’t imagine being without it. From the first module, they published in 2010. until today, there have always been satisfied customers around us, so due to this fact, we are sure that we are on the right track and we will keep on going in the right direction as far as we have you to guide us.

Our company is placed in Croatia in the European Union, but the thing that makes me happy every day is that we have the ability to communicate, find solutions, solve problems or just get a kind word from people from all over the world. I’m saying kind words because you can’t expect anything less for our customer support which is exceptionally great (I’m not just saying that, I have a whole bunch of witnesses to confirm it). Are you still not using EasyDNNsolutions? But they are so easy and they really are the solutions to your CMS needs, so let’s start at   

Best wishes for a happy holiday season and our sincere thanks for your loyalty and goodwill throughout the year!

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Nikolina VargaOther posts by Nikolina Varga

Nikolina Varga

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