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The importance of Facebook in Consumer's Market

The importance of Facebook in Consumer's Market

In social circles there is a saying –If it's not on Facebook, it's like it never happened. I think that this says a lot about the promotion, whether your own or a promotion of your company. People are crazy about Facebook, and it is used for the public who likes to find interesting content which is positive and above all light.

There are lots of reasons why people love and use social media:

  • to find out where your friends are
  • to reconnect with old college or school friends
  • to express your feelings, thoughts, opinions
  • to make new friends
  • to launch a business and advertise and grow it
  • to find inspiration and motivation
  • to be entertained
  • to keep up with current affairs, events etc.
  • and lots of different reasons 

social media, facebook

The statistics about all social media networks are amazing. Let’s just have a look at the statistic about Facebook from Brandwatch.

Facebook adds 500,000 new users every day; 6 new profiles every second

  • 72% of all online adults visit Facebook at least once a month
  • The average number of friends is 338
  • Half of the internet users who do not use Facebook themselves live with someone who does
  • Of those, 24% say that they look at posts or photos on that person’s account
  • There are an estimated 81 million fake Facebook profiles
  • The most popular page is Facebook for Every Phone, with 509,772,152 likes
  • There are 40 million active small business Pages
  • But only 2 million of those businesses pay for advertising

But when publishing, you should consider the following suggestions:

  • it is necessary to change the length of posts but to watch out that people are educated, involved and interested
  • publish interesting, visual content
  • set a general „tone“
  • don’t exaggerate with publishing posts in one day, 1-3 posts are optimal
  • 4 important characteristics are: attention, interest, goal, and action

Like button

The most popular sign of Facebook is definitely the Like button. Nowadays, buying decisions often come down to simply being likable. People are more likely to buy products from someone they like, respect or trust.

facebook like button

Lots of times people are indecisive and they look for a social proof and advice from others. That’s why so many people shop in pairs and that’s where the like button steps in on Facebook. Also, people often seek information from an influenced figure because they want evidence that they are making the right buying decision. If a product is less available the consumer will perceive that this product has greater value.

The great thing that appears when liking some product is reciprocation. We have a natural desire to repay favors by liking, commenting or sharing content. So if you have regularly followed, liked or comment someone’s page be sure that this will return to you. First, you need to be aware that this is a process and like everything, it wouldn’t just fall down to you from the sky.

Facebook for business

All brands and businesses are now using the fact that people love and want to engage and connect with other people. That’s why they are likely to find and target their audience on social media.

So once you have your own audience you can:

  • drive traffic to your website or blog
  • stay in touch and communicate with your customers
  • find, reach and make new customers
  • produce content that users will share with their social friends
  • listen and find out what your customers want
  • humanize your brand by continually engaging with customers
  • improve your search engine ranking by  regular content publishing
  • the audience is relaxed and receptive and that gives you the opportunity to find the right targeted audience

facebook follow button

Yes, follow EasyDNNsolutions on our Facebook page and be updated with the novelties of our brand.

Besides all these benefits of social networks, there are also some tips you can use to improve your brand and build your audience:

  • Add a recognizable profile picture
  • Choose an attractive cover photo
  • Optimize photo description
  • Add CTA
  • Ask questions to engage communication
  • Use Pin to Top or use Promoted posts
  • Invite your friends
  • Post really good content

Talking about content, there's no need to again emphasize the importance of content. Content is king and you have to be aware that once users have liked your Facebook page it is unlikely that they will return to it. I know it sounds strange, but the fact is that you’ll need to appear in their newsfeed with your content to build their trust and loyalty. You also have to do it regularly because Facebook has an algorithm called Edgerank that determines what does and does not show up on user’s timeline. This has to be there due to the volume of content people share. If users were able to see every post it would ruin their viewing experience. 

So, to maintain communication and influence with your customers you have to be regular in content publishing, but again moderate too. There are two main reasons why Facebook users may unlike your brand; if you share too many posts and if you share uninteresting posts.

Nothing that we’ve mentioned now about Facebook for business won’t work if you don’t have a proper website. To make a connection between Facebook and your website, EasyDNNsolutions has the perfect solution.

EasyDNNnews, the best platform for blogging, publishing news, articles, and events offer you integration with Facebook through Facebook developer’s account. So once you’ve published an article on your website it will be directly published on your Facebook page too.

EasyDNNgallery offers you a lot of possibilities in connecting to different social networks. One of them is SocialMediaBox that displays social sharing buttons on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, Pinterest… Once shared, images can be liked, commented, and further shared.

All these settings directly increase the number of visitors to your website, more sharing gives you more visitors, more visitors means more traffic.

Baer: social media

Start making content on your website and light it up using social media!

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