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Are you a man of ethics?

Back ago when I was at the colleague, my final thesis was about business communication and how it is important to include ethics in it. I decide to use it as a guideline for my today’s blog to point out that our business relies on ethics. Where all humans and we expect to be treated as humans. And finally, if you include moral and ethics in your businesses, it really doesn’t cost you a dime, does it? 

What to expect in the year 2016?

With the beginning of New Year, the majority of us makes some kind of to-do list. I'm really fed up with the detox diets, how to lose weight after holidays and so on. Why don't we simply decide to be happier? If you like to eat cakes - eat cakes, if you like to go jogging – jog the whole day, if you like to work with people – choose a job like marketing and then you won't have to work a day in your life anymore.

All jokes aside, today I'm triggered to talk about predictions. As we stepped into the new year I know that you've all made your new year's resolutions so I would like to help you to make some for the prosperity of your business too. That's why I’ve chosen marketing predictions for 2016 as my today’s topic.

Is web design what makes a website?

Let me just start by saying that I’ve read a lot about web planning and web designing, checked a lot of web pages and the thing is that appearance matters, it matters a lot. It is ok if you use a friendly approach in your business just try not to be too friendly because you still represent a business. Of course, I’m not saying that other things aren’t important, because, let’s be honest, content is still a king of each web page and people who visit your web page are actually interested in your products and services but still, let me tell you a story.

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