

Read about our DNN modules and themes

EasyDNN Simple Forum 3.0 - [VIDEO] Add documents and images in topics and comments

We’ve just published the new version 3.0 of our popular EasyDNN Simple Forum module. Many of our users use this module as an important part of their intranets, often in ways that are beyond the scope of a classic forum usage. Based on the feedback that we have been receiving from our users, Simple Forum is often used as a simple project management solution and there is often a need to add images and documents in both topics and comments.

Get email articles, blogs and events from the EasyDNN News module to your subscribers by using the EasyDNN MailChimp module

The integration between the EasyDNN News and EasyDNN MailChimp Plus module enables the generation and sending of newsletters with the articles published in the EasyDNN News module. The whole process can be completely automated so the newsletters are sent at daily, weekly, or monthly intervals. Also, it's possible to manually select articles and send them at the time that is the most convenient for you.

EasyDNN MAPS: Google Maps for DNN

If your business depends on your location and your users coming to see you, you have to make sure they can easily find you. The most common solution for this problem is Google Maps. They are free and easy to add to your webpage, but if you want a customized map that will stand out from the crowd with its functionalities and appearance, things become more complicated. This is why we have developed the EasyDNN Maps module that provides DNN webmasters with simpler adding and configuration of advanced DNN maps with markers, categories, directions, Street View, store locator and integration with posts from the EasyDNN News module. This last one is also a business opportunity for starting a directory and interactive maps.  

EasyDNN Theme & Module Collection - DNN webmaster toolbox

The EasyDNN Theme & Module Collection is a collection of all our DNN modules and themes. The collection currently contains six of our very popular DNN modules and seven DNN themes that you can get at a very affordable price. However, this is not merely a product collection. The EasyDNN Collection is actually a collection of advanced solutions for numerous needs and challenges webmasters face on the daily basis. The EasyDNN Collection will enable you to deliver first-class web projects while saving time. 

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