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How to write an effective blog post?

Let me tell you a secret about my first blog post. I just started to work for a new company (yes, EasyDNNsolutions) and they've explained me everything I have to do and everything they've been doing but still there was a lot for me to learn. So I sat down to my computer and started to search for new things, remembering new words, using products…Every beginning is hard.

Lacking inspiration?

It was a while ago when I’ve read a text about copyright infringement and how people, when lacking inspiration, use other people's words and then they put their names at the end of it and claim it theirs. But why would anybody do something like this? Isn’t the only reason we are writing blogs, the need to be heard? To relive the situations and things and to find that there are others who feel the same, and also the ones that don’t? 

What is the future of content marketing?

In the first blog post I wrote, I found it amazing how a story from a magazine that I read 15 years ago first crossed my mind. But today, today I wanted to put the emphasis on content, text, words – the king of every webpage. The words of the article author from the magazine made me think about the influence that some situation had on people, and again, it was that article that incited me to compare it to web design and its influence on marketing.

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