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Public displaying of the prices – Yes or No?

Public displaying of the prices – Yes or No?

These days, the situation requires lots of online buying, and my story started like this. I needed a price for one thing. Let's call it a thing. Then I found something I like online without the price, and I decided to ask for the cost. Since no one responded to my written contact form placed on their website, I decided to send them an email.


What are you hiding? Who from?

I am usually not that persistent with the people who don't want to talk to me, but I'm aware of this problem that businesses have with their contact forms on their websites – not investing in the site running. The problem with outdated contact forms is a topic for a blog post itself. I was thinking let's try anyway. Part of me was convinced that something is wrong that this is too expensive for me. It seems like every time the price is not listed, it is over my budget. But then my friend encouraged me, saying I should ask them, maybe they’re just hiding it from the competition, and maybe they need to calculate something before they give you the final price. I was a skeptic. Why hide something from the competitors?

And what do you think how did my story end? Was I right or wrong? It appears that I was right, the price was too high for me.  But is that the case with all websites that don’t have the prices listed? Are all of them exclusive for just one type of customer? It wasn’t hard for me to find the topic for today’s post, and it certainly isn’t hard for me to find an answer to it. Yes, you should display the prices, and yes, they should be with no extra hidden expenses so people don’t get unpleasantly surprised. There are a few tricks that sellers like to use when trying to make the sale:

1. not displaying the prices a.k.a. my story

One of the things I really don’t like is not displaying prices at all. What are you doing? Are you doing something for a fee or for free? Because the logical thinking would lead us to the conclusion that if you promote things or services without the prices listed then you aren’t searching for anything in return.

I’m sorry to inform you that a lot of people live on the edge and many of them beyond their possibilities and the price is always an important part of somebody’s decision to make a purchase.

2. price without VAT included.

What is all that about? Who are the lucky ones who don’t have to pay for VAT prices? Especially in my country where VAT is 25% on products. Can’t think of any? Yes, me neither, that’s why I don’t like it when I see a price like 25$+ VAT. What am I supposed to do? Calculate the prices myself? Not pay for the VAT? Sorry, I’ve lost you.  I like the idea of not paying the VAT, but come on, we both know that is not going to happen.

3. different types of payment

Of course, maybe there are some differences when using different types of payment but this has to be obviously stated, so people will know. The thing is that most people live in a world of restricted possibilities, and the ability to pay for something that is worth half of their paycheck by a card on a monthly basis is treasured. 

Last week I was buying a laptop, and the prices were clearly listed. The price for cash or advance payment, and the price of monthly payments, exactly how much per each month. But the price was 10% higher by card payment. We don't like it, but if we have no other choices it is good that we know our options.

4. Save! Sale! Discount!

Don’t get me wrong, I love, love sales. To be precise, I adore them. I think that most people do, but no one likes to be tricked. In today’s world, we are often witnesses of different tricks that sellers make to trick people into buying. One of them is saying that the price is discounted, when actually it is the full price of the product. How would you know the real price of the product if it’s not something that you buy on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis?


That’s why, if you are a salesman, keep your integrity, and by keeping the integrity, you will keep your customers. If the price is decreased, show the regular price so people can see what kind of bargain is it, but show the REAL regular price.

My point is, the prices businesses display must be clear, accurate, and not misleading to consumers. You should always display the complete price of a product or service. Not displaying the prices or putting misleading prices will only lead to losses, so be honest to yourself and your customers.



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Nikolina VargaOther posts by Nikolina Varga

Nikolina Varga

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