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Non-verbal communication in business

Non-verbal communication in business

Communication can be easily divided onto verbal and non-verbal. Non-verbal communication is a way in which people communicate without saying a word, intentionally or unintentionally. The problems related with non-verbal communication are derived from the fact that to decode a message you need to have thrall knowledge of the communicational source, circumstances and the context of the situation. 

Silence is golden. Is it?

Eyes show surprise, a mouth shows dissatisfaction. Open hands and an unzipped jacket suggest that people are open and friendly. Crossing your arms and rubbing your occiput is considered to show worry, and biting your nails or pencils show insecurity. Coughing, smoking, pulling ears and squirming on a chair means nervosa. A confident person usually stands up straight with their hands on their back or in their jacket pockets. The signs of thinking or judging are rubbing a chin, kicking back a head, touching your face with your hand, looking through glasses, cleaning glasses, touching your nose.

Silence is also considered to be a way of communication and in the business communication, as in personal communication it can be a sign of thinking, tiredness, but also hostility. There are a few fields of communication that can cause so much damage as silence, that’s why it is important to know the rules of silence.

Written business communication

Every written business communication is non-verbal communication in which the means of transportation of the message are written words. There are a few basic rules of written business communication, which are:

  • Expediency – Meaning that every business statement can be forwarded very fast, i.e. people can easily answer it.
  • Keeping business and official secrets - An official secret is written in accordance with the law and in the company’s limits it is regulated by internal company acts (marked with confidential, business secret etc.)
  • Correctness and the precision of expression – It is implying to honoring language and communicational rules. The language and the style needs to make the content of the message precise, clear and professional.
  • Administrative-technical process – Preparation, expediency, keeping and storage of documents.
  • Neatness and esthetic look – A business letter is a reflection of a person who sends it, so it has to be neat, tidy and without any spelling or grammar mistakes.
  • Efficient and cheap – Long distance communication with very little outcomes.
  • Benignity for text sender – The possibility of keeping and calling on a written evidence

The primary and secondary parts of a business letter are the heading, date and place, the recipient’s address, the greeting, the subject line, the body paragraphs, signature and writer’s identity, initials, enclosures, copies etc.

Types of business communication are:

  1. Memorandum. Short intern messages, usually informal character and shorter than one page and are related to one subject. A memorandum contains a space for date input, names of sender and recipient, a subject of a message and the space for writing.
  2. E-mail. An electronic mail which is used in intern and extern communication. It contains the heading which has: an e-mail address of the sender, an e-mail address of the recipient, copies of the addresses, a subject of a message, the list of enclosures, time and date which is automatically added and the text of a message which contains the complete address of the recipient, that enables differences between business and personal email and it has the name of recipient’s company, the business subject and headquarters, then the repetition of the subject, the salutation and the content that contains the introduction, the main point, the ending, the greeting and a signature.
  3. Telefax. Extern business communication where the advantages of paper and electronical communication are combined. Telefax communication needs to contain data about the recipient, the sender and the communication.
  4. Web. Nowadays businesses are involved in making and maintaining presentational and commercial www pages. The presentational www pages are the ones that are used by businesses to present themselves to the public and they have basic data about the company, and commercial www pages are used by companies for offering certain merchandise.
  5. Chat. Direct written business communication in which a conversation is held between participants of an online meeting which are on different places but the conversation is going on in the real time, what means that all the participants of the meeting communicate by following the meeting on the screen and writing commentaries with a help of a keyboard.

Written communication in business is in harmony with the rules of business communication which are equal to every other communication that reflects personal culture, creativity, organization and the level of education.

EasyDNNsolutions also offers you a way to start the business communication – through your own website. So, don’t you wait anymore and find the solution for your needs at

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Nikolina Varga

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