

Read about our DNN modules and themes

New versions of our modules (DNN 9.10.2 compatible)

New versions of our modules (DNN 9.10.2 compatible)

We’ve just released the new versions of our modules and themes that are fully compatible with DNN 9.10.2 If you missed it, we’ve also recently added lots of new interesting features to our products. Learn what is new in the EasyDNN News, EasyDNN Gallery, EasyDNN Rotator, EasyDNN MailChimp Plus, EasyDNN Maps, EasyDNN Simple Forum, EasyDNN Social Stream, EasyDNN Accessibility module BlockBuilder, and StyleWizard modules.

What’s new in EasyDNN News 11

Version 11

  • Added API that enables retrieving article list which makes the integration with mobile apps easier
  • Added an option to exclude the featured articles from the view
  • Improved the Facebook Instant Article template to enable the possibility of managing ads
  • Improved SEO – added an option that enables adjusting of indexing by individual articles
  • Improved the Advantage theme
  • Improved the DNN search integration for localized articles when the content localization is used
  • Lots of small improvements and bug fixes

Version 10.9

  • New Advantage theme 
  • Integration with SimpleForum module
  • Autoposting to Facebook re-enabled
  • DNN Seach functionality for new versions of DNN
  • Images now take up less disk space
  • MP4 videos can be added to the article galleries
  • Full compatibility with DNN 9.9
  • Added paging option for comments
  • Other minor improvements and bug fixes 
  • The minimum supported version of DNN is 7.3

New Advantage theme

Advantage is a new modern theme for EasyDNN News inspired by material design. Your blogs, news, or events will look perfect with this theme, and you can further customize the theme to your needs with StyleWizard without even writing one line of code. We also offer the Advantage DNN site theme.

Advantage demo examples

Blogs and articles: Advantage Blog, Cards, Plain Cards, Cards Background Image, Masonry, Odd/Even, Catalog, Timeline
Events: Advantage Events, Advantage Calendar
Real estates: Advantage Real estates
News magazine: Advantage news magazine 

Integration with SimpleForum module

Posts in the EasyDNN News module can be commented on via built-in comments, but this new integration allows you to transfer comments to our SimpleForum module. This could allow new ways of using the EasyDNN News module.

Main features:
• Moving comments to the SimpleForum module
• Adding a new article creates a new forum topic
• Articles have a link to their topic on the forum
• Topic on the forum has a backlink to the article

Demo: article, forum topic

Autoposting to Facebook re-enabled

Previous changes to the Facebook API have made auto-posting impossible. The recently introduced new version of the API has re-enabled the use of this functionality, so now you can automatically post articles to your Facebook page again.

DNN Search functionally for new versions of DNN

Due to certain changes, DNN Search does not index articles if you use DNN 9.6 or later with all previous versions of EasyDNN News. To avoid this problem, we have implemented in version 10.9 a new method of submitting articles to DNN Search. Indexing articles by DNN Search now works correctly with all versions of DNN.

Images now take up less disk space

We have improved the management of images used in article lists and article details (main article image). If you display articles in multiple instances of the module, this new method can significantly reduce the number of files and total disk space used. See the instructions.

Upload MP4 videos into article galleries

From now on, MP4 videos can be added to article galleries.

Full compatibility with DNN 9.9

EasyDNN 10.9 has been tested and is fully compatible with DNN 9.9. It is also backward-compatible with DNN 7.3 or newer.


Version 10.8.5

  • Telerik free - DNN 9.8 ready – compatible with DNN 9.8;
  • URL provider – added the possibility to select the type of links to rewrite;
  • Improved – export/import functionality now supports image tokens in HTML of articles;
  • Added the possibility to redirect the opening of article details to an instance of the module intended for displaying article details, but without the possibility to open article details in the module instance that displays the article list;
  • Fixed an issue with displaying of tags in the tag cloud;
  • Fixed an issue with the Latest Article widget and category selection;
  • Fixed an issue with the data picker for events;
  • Supported the new Vimeo API for adding videos;
  • Fixed an issue with comments when using the portal sharing feature;
  • Other small improvements and bug fixes.

Version 10.8

  • full compatibility with DNN 9.6.2
  • improved Advanced search
  • added option for filtering article list by categories, and by AND condition
  • improved SEO for articles displayed on other portals when using the cross portal sharing option
  • added the ability to add different main article images that are used in article details and different from the main article image used on the list
  • lots of small improvements and bug fixes

Version 10.7.5

  • full compatibility with DNN 9.6.1
  • enhanced RSS feed functionality now supports sharing of events between websites
  • when copying an article, the content of custom fields is also copied

Version 10.7

  • images in articles can be automatically generated in the WebP image format
  • added support for responsive images <srcset> in details templates
  • added new Ozone theme styles matching to the new Ozone 2 theme (skin)
  • lots of small improvements and bug fixes
  • DNN 9.5 compatible

Version 10.6

  • Fully compatible with DNN 9.4
  • Some changes in DNN 9.4 are causing issues with the integration of the EasyDNN News and EasyDNN Rotator, EasyDNN Gallery, EasyDNNmailChimp Plus, EasyDNNStyleWizard, EasyDNN maps. This version re-enables the integrations
  • Supports the latest changes in LinkedIn API and re-enables auto-posting
  • Supports the latest changes in Twitter API and re-enables auto-posting

Version 10.5

  • New functionality: Theme picker
  • visual theme and template viewer
  • from now on easily find a template that matches your needs and quickly changes the look of an article list, article details, related articles, documents, comments and links
  • Improved adding of tags now with auto-complete function
  • Other minor improvements and bug fixes

Watch Theme Picker in action

<< Buy EasyDNN News 11.0 at DNN store >>

What’s new in EasyDNN Gallery 11

Version 11

  • added API for the Gravity gallery that enables retrieving images from the gallery and makes the integration with mobile apps easier
  • improved the Gravity gallery templates
  • lots of small improvements and bug fixes
  • full compatibility with DNN 9.9
  • the minimum supported DNN version is 7.3

Version 10.8

  • new Advantage theme for the Chameleon gallery (demo)
  • Social stream media gallery – Facebook videos are now supported
  • improved performances of the Gravity gallery and Gravity gallery category menu widget
  • full compatibility with DNN 9.9
  • other small improvements and bug fixes

Version 10.7

  • Telerik free - DNN 9.8 ready – compatible with DNN 9.8
  • Improved SocialMediaBox Lightbox in the Gravity gallery to display a title and description
  • Supported the new Vimeo API for the adding of videos
  • Fixed an issue with the Facebook streaming gallery
  • Other small improvements and bug fixes

Version 10.6

  • full compatibility with DNN 9.6.1
  • added a watermark option – watermarks can now be added to images when uploading them
  • lots of small improvements and bug fixes

Version 10.5.5

  • full compatibility with DNN 9.6.1
  • updated JavaScript libraries
  • jQuery updated to version 3.5.1

Version 10.5

  • images can be automatically generated in the WebP image format
  • DNN 9.5 compatible

Version 10.1

  • Fully compatible with DNN 9.4.
  • Some changes in DNN 9.4 are causing issues with the integration of the EasyDNN gallery and EasyDNN News modules. This version re-enables the integration.
  • Version 10
  • Added a new display: Carousel Slider (Demo 1, Demo 2)
    •  displays images, videos and audios
    • responsive with mobile friendly Lightbox
    • auto-play option
    • multi-row display
    • option to adjust width and height of images and how they are resized
    • displays title and description
    •  four different pagination types
    • HTML driven templates
    • two modern themes included
    • out-of-box templates, simple to customize
  • New feature to allow addition of tags
  • Added the Gravity gallery widget with two displays  
    • Category/Gallery menu
    • Tag cloud
  • Minor bug fixes and other small improvements

Watch Carousel Slider in action

<< Buy EasyDNN Gallery 11 at DNN store >>


What's new in EasyDNN Rotator 10.9


Version 10.9

  • improved Chameleon Rotator, MultiCarousel Rotator, TabRotator, and Carousel rotator for better compatibility with the latest browsers
  • added an option to select the way images are cropped in the Chameleon rotator
  • improved the integration with the News module
  • lots of small improvements and bug fixes

Version 10.8

  • support for new versions of Edge browser
  • improved accessibility of Tab Rotator 
  • full compatibility with DNN 9.9
  • other small improvements and bug fixes 

Version 10.7

  • Telerik free - DNN 9.8 ready – compatible with DNN 9.8
  • Other small improvements and bug fixes

Version 10.6

  • full compatibility with DNN 9.6.2
  • lots of small improvements and bug fixes

Version 10.5.5

  • full compatibility with DNN 9.6.1
  • updated JavaScript libraries
  • jQuery updated to version 3.5.1

Version 10.5

  • images can be automatically generated in the WebP image format
  • support for responsive images <srcset>
  • DNN 9.5 compatible

Version 10.1

  • Fully compatible with DNN 9.4.
  • Some changes in DNN 9.4 are causing issues with the integration of the EasyDNN Rotator and EasyDNN News modules, and the EasyDNN Rotator and EasyDNN Gallery modules. This version re-enables the integrations.

Version 10

  • Addition of a new display: Carousel Rotator
    • as a data source it can use lists created in EasyDNN Rotator, galleries from EasyDNN Gallery module and articles from EasyDNN News module
    • auto-play option
    • multi-row display
    • option to adjust width and height of images and how they are resized
    • displays title and description
    • four different pagination types
    • HTML driven templates
    • two modern themes included
    • out-of-box templates, simple to customize
  • Improved accessibility
  • Other minor improvements and bug fixes

Watch Carousel Slider in action

<< Buy EasyDNN Rotator 10.9 at DNN store >>


What’s new in EasyDNN MailChimp Plus 10.6

Version 10.6

  • compatibility with the latest version of the MailChimp API
  • improved the subscription form and displaying of the messages
  • lots of small improvements and bug fixes

Version 10.5

  • improved the process of sending scheduled EasyDNN News campaigns 
  • improved syncing of lists with DNN users
  • full compatibility with DNN 9.9
  • other small improvements and bug fixes

Version 10.4

  • Telerik free - DNN 9.8 ready – compatible with DNN 9.8
  • Supported the new version of MailChimp API – due to a change in the MailChimp API, creating of campaigns will not work in older version, so it required to upgrade the module
  • Other small improvements and bug fixes

Version 10.3

  • full compatibility with DNN 9.6.2
  • lots of small improvements and bug fixes

Version 10.2

  • full compatibility with DNN 9.6.1
  • updated JavaScript libraries
  • jQuery updated to version 3.5.1

Version 10.1

  • Fully compatible with DNN 9.4.
  • Some changes in DNN 9.4 are causing issues with the integration of the EasyDNN MailChimp Plus and EasyDNN News modules. This version re-enables the integration.

Version 10

  • New feature to allow use of multiple API keys from different MailChimp accounts:  
    • create subscription forms with different MailChimp accounts within DNN portal
    • create campaigns with different MailChimp accounts within DNN portal
    • create schedule with different MailChimp accounts within DNN portal
    • sync DNN users with selected MailChimp account
  • Improved accessibility of subscription forms
  • Other minor improvements and bug fixes

<< Buy EasyDNN MailChimp Plus 10.6 at DNN store >>


What's new in EasyDNN Simple Forum 4.5

Version 4.5

  • significantly improved the speed of the forum and loading of categories and topics
  • added the import tool that enables migration from the Active Forums module
  • lots of small improvements and bug fixes

Version 4.0

  • integration with the EasyDNN News module – added the possibility of creating a topic on a forum from the EasyDNN News module
  • full compatibility with DNN 9.9
  • other small improvements and bug fixes

Posts in the EasyDNN News module can be commented on via built-in comments, but this new integration allows you to transfer comments to our SimpleForum module. This could allow new ways of using the EasyDNN News module.

Main features:
• Moving comments to the SimpleForum module
• Adding a new article creates a new forum topic
• Articles have a link to their topic on the forum
• Topic on the forum has a backlink to the article

Demo: article, forum topic

Version 3.6

  • Telerik free - DNN 9.8 ready – compatible with DNN 9.8
  • Other small improvements and bug fixes

Version 3.5

  • full compatibility with DNN 9.6.2
  • added the ability to set up maximum file size and file types for documents uploaded to topics
  • added the ability to set up maximum file size and file types for documents uploaded to comments
  • lots of small improvements and bug fixes

Version 3.1

  • full compatibility with DNN 9.6.1
  • new Press theme added
  • enhanced workflow and notifications system

Version 3.0

  • In addition to the previous 2.3 version, we’ve added the possibility of uploading images and documents to comments. Now the forum can be used for adding and sharing images and documents. Images can be opened in a lightbox or downloaded as a file. Documents can only be downloaded.

Version 2.3

  • Added the ability to upload images and documents to topics. Images display in a gallery style and open in Lightbox, while documents can be downloaded.
  • Added the possibility to use the HTML editor when adding comments

<< Buy EasyDNN Simple Forum 4.5 at DNN store >>


What's new in EasyDNN Maps 6

Version 5.6

  • added the possibility to import markers dynamically from the external API
  • added the possibility to retrieve data dynamically from external API by userID
  • the integration with Google Cloud Map – enables cloud-based maps styling
  • Google Maps API upgraded to the latest version
  • lots of small improvements and bug fixes
  • the minimum supported DNN version is 7.3

Version 5.6

  • updated to the new version of Google API
  • fixed an issue with cache when integrating with the EasyDNN News module and displaying markers
  • fixed displaying of the category widget
  • full compatibility with DNN 9.9
  • other small improvements and bug fixes

Version 5.5

  • Telerik free - DNN 9.8 ready – compatible with DNN 9.8
  • Fixed an issue when adding markers by using geolocation codes
  • Other small improvements and bug fixes

Version 5.4

  • full compatibility with DNN 9.6.2
  • lots of small improvements and bug fixes

Version 5.3

  • full compatibility with DNN 9.6.1
  • updated JavaScript libraries
  • jQuery updated to version 3.5.1
  • lots of small improvements and bug fixes

Version 5.1

  • Fully compatible with DNN 9.4.
  • Some changes in DNN 9.4 are causing issues with the integration of the EasyDNN Maps and EasyDNN News modules. This version re-enables the integration.

<< Buy EasyDNN Maps 6 at DNN store >>


What's new in EasyDNN Social Stream 2.1

Version 2.1

  • improved the compatibility with the YouTube API
  • other improvements and bug fixes

<< Buy EasyDNN Social Stream 2.1 at DNN store >>


What's new in EasyDNN Accessibility module 1.6

Version 1.6

  • fixed the compatibility with browsers
  • other improvements and bug fixes

<< Buy EasyDNN Accessibility module 1.6 at DNN store >>


What's new in EasyDNN BlockBuilder 2.0

Version 2.0

  • an added option to enable adding the background image and preview
  • the addition of animations to elements
  • upgraded the editor to the latest version
  • improved the insert link option
  • other improvements and bug fixes


What's new in EasyDNN StyleWizard 5.0

Version 5.0

  • a new modern interface that makes styling easier
  • other improvements and bug fixes

EasyDNN Theme & Module Collection 16

What's new in EasyDNN Theme & Module Collection 16

  • all the themes in the collection are updated to the latest version of Bootstrap 5.1.3
  • Font Awesome updated to version 6
  • lots of fixes and improvements across all the themes based on user feedback
  • BlockBuilder 2.0
  • StyleWizard 5.0
  • new versions of all our DNN modules


The EasyDNN Theme & Module Collection is a collection of all our DNN modules and themes. The collection currently contains eight of our very popular DNN modules and ten DNN themes that you can get at a very affordable price. It also includes the following tools: BlockBuilder, StyleWizard, MegaMenu, OnePage site.

<< Buy EasyDNN Theme & Module Collection 16 at DNN store>> or << Learn more >>


Buy EasyDNN Theme & Module Collection 16 now and save

To get a 15% discount on a new collection, use the coupon COLLECTION16
To get a 15% discount on the renewal version, use coupon code COLLECTION16REN 

Hurry! Coupon codes are valid until February 28, 2022.

How to get new versions

You can download a free 15-day trial versions of the modules from our website. You can purchase a commercial version of the modules from the DNN store, individually or as a part of the EasyDNN Theme & Module Collection. If you have a valid subscription, you can download the latest versions of the modules and themes from DNN store > Patches.

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