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Fear of technology

Fear of technology

As I was reading my usual subscriptions to media guides, I ran across a text about things you should confront with if you want to be successful in what you do. One of the things on that list, actually, the first thing on that list was the fear of unknown technology.

If you think that the thing that's keeping you in succeeding in what you do is the disability to make your own webpage or to do any marketing related to your work online, that's where you're wrong.

We live in a connected world

Great majority of people are using different social networks. Just take a few seconds and scroll down this page. Here you have the possibility to share this article to all the social networks that cross your mind and when you do so, you can also put some words at the beginning of it just to say what you think about it? Is this difficult? Didn't think so. Are you a part of this major group which uses social networks on weekly maybe daily basis? That’s all you need.  If you know how to register to a social network and publish pictures, feelings, videos… that is all you need to make your own unique website.

Yesterday I was talking to my mother and she was like: “When people ask me what do you do, I tell them webpages.” And then I replied that we do applications for people like her and me who doesn’t know any program languages and enable them to have their own web pages and to create them by themselves. So I explained it in the easiest way I could by comparing it to Office’s Word. She mostly works with it and if she knows (and she knows) how to put pictures or any kind of text in it and to make that appear in a certain order, than there wouldn’t be any problems for her to make a web page using our products. She said all right, but I think she will continue to tell people that we make webpages, and I have to say - that’s also true. If you don’t want to make webpages by yourself then we are here to offer you the possibility of making custom designed webpages.

DNN is your way to go

Trust me, when I go to our DNN store and see the reviews of the satisfied customers, I know that you will also find your place in this community. It’s not just the fact that I’m working here that makes me talk like this, but if you ask anyone who’s ever worked with us, with whom we’ve cooperated, I pretty sure they would tell you the same. Whenever you have problems, or you’re in need for something, just let us know. In the shortest possible time we will get back at you. Just don’t be afraid to start.

As I’ve recently read by Christopher Penn – It’s not the wand but the wizard that makes the magic. So take a leap of faith, be the wizard and start making magic by using our products. Abrakadabra and EasyDNNsolutions will be there for you. 

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Nikolina VargaOther posts by Nikolina Varga

Nikolina Varga

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