EasyDNNnews – Multiline textbox instead of HTML editor
The article summary and article details fields in the EasyDNNnews module are edited by using the HTML editor. In special cases when you want to limit authors in using the HTML editor and completely limit them to enter only plain text, then it is possible to replace the HTML editor with the multiline textbox. The option is available in EasyDNNnews 7.7 and newer.
Also it is possible to limit the number of allowed characters in the article summary and article details.
Using the HTML editor or multiline textbox can be set in Settings > 10. Add-Edit Article Form default presets.
The number of allowed characters in the article summary is entered in the field Maximum number of characters allowed in summary.
The number of allowed characters in the article details is entered in the field Maximum number of characters allowed in summary.
Note: the limitation of number of characters in the article summary and article details is possible only when the multiline textbox is used.
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