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Be creative in online marketing

Be creative in online marketing

Each time we mention the term “creative writing", people immediately think of some writer who writes about unreachable places and about some mysterious people or creatures. Is this really limited only for literature?

No, we are talking about common business people like you and me and how to be creative. How to find something that is going to draw someone’s attention and still be useful and serious. Creative ways of communication which were considered to be placed only in art and science are now a common part of modern business so let see how we can use it in online marketing.

Let’s explore life!

Each creative act contains well-recognized preparatory activities like reading, watching things around them, collecting necessary experience after which follows an invisible phase of an internal oblivious activity under the influence of real life. Under inexplicable circumstances after that process comes a phase that we call an illumination phase, i.e. turning ideas from oblivious into a completely conscious picture. The last phase is verification where your idea meets the world.

For you to be creative and use it in online writing, it is enough that you learn about this creativity act and realize that creativity is the highest possible way of communicating: a man to nature, a man to other people and finally a man to himself.

You don’t know how to be creative? Don’t worry!

 We’re here to help with a few creational strategies:

  1. Brainstorming

People meet and create ideas on the first meeting. It is followed by few “cooling” days and eventually with a second meeting on which the ideas are critically estimated. It encourages people who are cooperating to express themselves hence the name.

  1. Gordon’s technique

A group of people meets and starts to give associations to a situation or an asset after which the ideas are written down. The difference between brainstorming and this technique is that here we have a moderator who determines a problem so the technique is much faster, shorter and more focused than brainstorming.

  1. Writing thoughts

Each participant gets a piece of paper. Writing goes on in three phases, where in the first phase we define the problem, then write the ideas to the problem and then we evaluate the ideas. Each person adds three new ideas to the written ones and this goes on three times. Eventually we evaluate gained materials.

  1. Nominal group technique

The themes are explained in advance and the preparation contains a clear and definite problem. The moderator explains everything to the participants and they write their ideas independently and when they are all finished, they read their thoughts at loud which leads to discussion. Finally there is a voting process and a complete problem evaluation.

  1. Forced connections

As mentioned in the title, we are searching for two almost impossible connections between two terms after which is debated about all the aspects of this connection: profitability, usability, investments…

  1. Check list

Describe a whole course of some process in details where we can easily find out if there is a problem with something, i.e. in which phase is something good or not good to do.

  1. Attributive listing

Simple technique consists of listing the main features of a product or a process. The moderator sets the problem and there is a list made from three aspects: features, current condition and possible changes. There are details pointing out how this is possible and everything is evaluated under estimation.

  1. Pro et contra

This technique is discovered by philosophers and it is based on discussing on “pro” reasons and “against” reasons about some hypothesis or some suggestions. After evaluating those arguments, best options are chosen.

Still not sure? No worries!

The creational process is still not completely clear to people so it is necessary to use each possible way, and the most important thing is to search, create, combine because in creation everything is open and everything relies on curiosity, motivation, imagination, combining, luck and talent. We have to activate and focus our competence on the most important part of communicating: the creation of new ideas and information. 

Step away from routines, dogmas and formulas which are obsolete. Use the techniques which we offered you to learn how to think logically and to express yourself creatively. Once you’ve figure out what you want to say, visit to find the best way on how to say it!

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Nikolina VargaOther posts by Nikolina Varga

Nikolina Varga

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