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Move commenting on posts from EasyDNN News to EasyDNN Simple Forum

Integration of EasyDNN News and Simple Forum modules

EasyDNN News allows you to comment on articles and all types of posts through the use of the built-in comment system. The Facebook comments plugin and Disqus are also supported. Now, there is a new interesting feature that allows you to move commenting to our EasyDNN Simple Forum module. The whole thing is very straightforward. Adding an article to the EasyDNN News module creates a topic in the EasyDNN Simple Forum module. There is a link in the article that leads to the forum, and in the topic on the forum, there is a backlink that leads back to the article.

This integration of the EasyDNN News and Simple Forum modules allows you to move every discussion to a single place on the site: the forum. The new option brings even more flexibility when it comes to implementing your strategy to engage site visitors. If you find it important that site visitors become involved in as many discussions on your website as possible, using a forum is a great choice. A forum makes it easier for users to follow every discussion than individual articles alone. This also means that they are more likely to take an active part in discussions.

Note: If the article was published before the integration was enabled and there is no topic on the forum, the topic on the forum can be subsequently created by editing the article and enabling "Create topic on forum for this article".

Link to forum topic in article (screenshot):


Backlink in forum topic (screenshot): 


Live examples: Article, Forum topic, List of topics

Integration setup

Minimum requirements: EasyDNN News 10.9 and EasyDNN Simple Forum 4.0.

Adjusting settings in the EasyDNN News module

Enable the Simple Forum comments option in the settings of the EasyDNN News module and adjust other settings.

EasyDNN News > Settings > 11. Comments > enable Simple Forum Comments and adjust other settings.

1. Select the Simple Forum module instance, to which the link from the article will lead.
EasyDNN News > Settings > 11. Comments > Simple Forum Comments > Select Simple Forum module instance to open topic details

2. Select the default category in the Simple Forum module, to which topics will be added.
EasyDNN News > Settings > 11. Comments > Simple Forum Comments > Select default Simple Forum category

3. Optional: Connect categories in EasyDNN News and Simple Forum modules. E.g. it is possible to link the Sports category in the EasyDNN News module with the sports category in the Simple Forum module. This means that adding an article to the sports category in EasyDNN News will create a topic in the sports category within the forum module.

EasyDNN News > Settings > 11. Comments > Simple Forum Comments > Select default Simple Forum category to create new topics for each news category

Adjusting settings in the EasyDNN Simple Forum module

In the EasyDNN Simple Forum settings, select the instance of the EasyDNN News module to which the backlink from the topic will lead.

EasyDNN Simple Forum > Settings > Main display settings > Select news instance.

Want to learn more about EasyDNN News and EasyDNN Simple Forum? Visit EasyDNN News and EasyDNN Simple Forum product pages. 


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Damir KapusticOther posts by Damir Kapustic

Damir Kapustic

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