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Am I an interesting blogger?

Am I an interesting blogger?

You will tell me the answer to this question, but until then, I will continue writing. Well, who am I kidding? I will continue to write either way, because this makes a good blogger, actually this is what makes a person successful in all aspects of their lives – dreams, and then turning these dreams in the reality.

Inspirational quotes

I let myself be guided by the bunch of quotes that I find every day, and I’m surprised by the inspiration they give. There are so many times when I want to express my feelings, intentions, problems, but words just don’t seem to have the strength of those feelings. It’s amazing when you find that other people have lived the same situations as you did. It means you’re not alone, there are others who share your happiness, misery, success, and the only difference is that they share it with their families, friends, colleagues…

For today’s topic I’ve chosen a quote from William Arthur Ward: If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.

So if you’ve ever wondered are you any good in your business, you don’t have to anymore. You just need to be sure that the thing you’re doing is something that brings you satisfaction, something that you want to do and something that you dream about. Yesterday I found an infographic saying that a typical social media marketer’s day is filled with all sorts of obligations during the day and then when they are supposed to go to sleep, after an exhausting day, then the idea and creativity starts. Yes, it is possible that the creativity and the idea will strike you when you’re least expecting it, but stop for a while, seize the moment and capture your ideas, thoughts, feelings. Be natural and don’t try to push something if it’s not going to work in the moment when you need it.

Somewhere out there, there is someone waiting for you to act

You don’t know it yet and the person who will read it doesn’t know it yet, but once you find each other, the connection is inevitable. The situation is the same as I feel when I read a quote that inspires me, and I know - they’ve felt the same.

 To be an interesting blogger you have to think about what people love to read, to think about what YOU love to read. Is this a blog where you have to use a dictionary just to find out the purpose of this blog or is this something where you feel comfortable as if you are talking to an old friend?

Write about your favorite book, about your typical day, your favorite place to work, your best gadget, about how you feel, about your opinion of some products, or services or maybe even your customers – whatever makes you happy. Because, if you are happy about your written words, then I guarantee you, you will find a bunch of people who will be happy with you. Or maybe sad, depending on the emotion you want to share with them. Either way, you will find a lot of interesting people who share your ideas. Not all of them will, but this is what is maybe the most intriguing – people are like a spectrum of colors, they come in many different shades and it is impossible to find two of a kind.

I love saying how I feel, and I love hearing other people’s opinions, so why not share it with the rest of the world? Be brave, be inspiring and then you’ll be interesting!

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Nikolina Varga

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