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EasyDNNnews 7.8 - improved sharing of articles between portals (Cross portal sharing option)
The Cross portal sharing option in the EasyDNNnews module allows for sharing articles between more DNN portals. In the new 7.8 version this option is significantly improved.
There was a limitation in the previous versions of the module. One instance of the news module could display articles from only one portal and it wasn't possible to mix up articles from more portals.
This is now improved and in one instance of the news module it is possible to mix up articles from more portals.
Configuration of the Cross portal sharing option
The Cross portal sharing option is turned on in EasyDNNnews > Dashboard > Cross portal sharing option.
Click on Select portals next to the portal whose articles you want to share with other portals. Select a portal or portals that you want to receive articles.
Select portals to which you want to share articles to from this portal. In our example at the DNN 802 Test portal we have chosen the Portal 2 and Portal 3 meaning that articles will be available on these two portals. When adjusting settings of the main news module and all satellite modules on these two portals, it will be possible to turn on the displaying of articles from the DNN 802 Test portal.
Also, when adjusting filtering of articles (EasyDNNnews > Settings > 4. Filter articles) there are available categories from the portal that share articles, so it is possible to select from which categories we want to display articles.
Find the EasyDNNnews module on the DNN store or download a trial version. If you have an active subscription to the new versions, find the latest version on DNN store > Patches.